Skeet News
Most skeet fans east of the Mississippi River know that the Florida Skeet Association Spring Swing begins this week! These two months of skeet events begin with the 55th Annual Dixie Open, February 1 - 4 at Imperial Polk Gun Club, and follow with tournaments at clubs all over Florida. We welcome all the visitors and skeet fans who have traveled to our fair state, and we look forward to seeing you at these events. Visit this schedule or the Florida Skeet Association website for registration and more information. Thank you to all of FSA and JCTS's generous volunteers and referees who make these tournaments so enjoyable!JCTS is looking forward to hosting two exciting skeet tournaments in February, including:
- the Jacksonville Int'l. Skeet Open, Feb. 16 - 18, and
- the Annual Dutch Dewitt Fish Fry, February 23 - 25.
Dutch Dewitt Fish Fry
Why do we call it the Dutch Dewitt Fish Fry? Fred "Dutch" Dewitt was a retired Navy Commander stationed at the Marine Salvage Unit at Mayport. Many years ago when the club was located at what is now Imeson Park, Dutch started the Fish Fry tradition. Back then Mayport was nothing more than a small fishing village. Dutch knew all the fishermen quite well and could get fish for little or no money. Hence when it came time to hold a shoot, he suggested having a fish fry to entertain the shooters. The fishermen would supply Dutch with select grouper filets, which Dutch turned into a meal fit for kings. Dutch was a big personality in the Northeast Florida trap and skeet circles. He shot Remington 870s and his favorite discipline was Treet (shooting the trap targets from the skeet stations). In honor of a great gentleman, citizen, and sportsman, we celebrate the Dutch Dewitt Fish Fry every year!
History and photos are courtesy of past JCTS Skeet Chairman Bud Steil who shot his first Fish Fry in 1981.