The NSSA and Florida Skeet Association have several programs in place that benefit Florida Junior and Sub-Junior shooters.
- Junior and Sub-Junior shooters will receive a $15 subsidy per event for each event (gauge) at the Florida State Skeet Championships, April 19 - 22, at the Palatka Skeet Club.
- Florida Skeet Association and Palatka Skeet Club will host the Ninth Annual NSSA Youth Skeet Camp June 2 and 3. During the camp, youth skeet shooters have a chance to learn the finer aspects of skeet shooting, shotgun target sports, safety, and sportsmanship from some of the best instructors in the state. Enrollment cost is $135 and the camp is limited to the first 35 youth who enroll. Registration forms should be sent to FL NSSA Director Ken Keth,
- Any youth shooter who attends the 2018 Skeet Camp will be offered a complementary entry fee to shoot one event at the Palatka Registered Shoot on June 9.
- FSA Youth Competition Coupons: For the remainder of 2018, Florida Sub Juniors and Juniors can request a “coupon” from the FSA which will provide a $10.00 credit per gun at any Florida skeet club competitive event. Each “coupon” is valid for twelve gun entries. For example, a shooter can enter to shoot one gun at a registered shoot and receive a $10.00 reduction in the entry fee. Entering to shoot four guns at a registered shoot would result in a $40.00 reduction in their entry fee. Shooters can contact Ken Keth for a coupon at Clubs can call or email Ken Keth for reimbursement of the discount.